I'm finally here in Australia! After all the delays, the flights to Sydney and Perth were actually fine. I slept a lot on the way to Sydney, and the entertainment system kept me entertained (imagine that) the rest of the time. When we got to Perth, our 2 RS's (Residential Supervisors) came and picked us up at the airport and we drove about 30 minutes to Fremantle.
Most of my time so far has been spent in orientation activities and sleep (I think I'm pretty much over the jet lag by now). I've met some really nice and fun people so far in our group and we've been getting along great. Fremantle is such a cute town; there's all these little shops and cafes everywhere and our dorm is super close to the water. Pretty much everything is close to the water though because the town itself isn't very big.
Our dorm is decent; I actually wound up with a (relatively) bigger room, so my bed's on the floor, which is nice. The whole building is pretty cold right now because it's still winter, but it's nothing compared to South Bend winters.
So far I haven't had a chance to experience the Fremantle nightlife yet, but I think that will probably change tonight.
I'll write more and post pictures soon, but I wanted to let everyone (even if it's only 2 lol) know that I'm actually here!
I'm so glad that you're meeting people. I can't wait to see pictures of the water and the area.
I love you!
yaaay!! can't wait to catch up! :)
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