Monday, October 20, 2008


That's what's keeping me going right now. I'm currently on my second 1.5 litre bottle of Diet Coke following two 1 litre bottles over the course of the weekend. I haven't had any Diet Coke here before this week...with such a minimal work load there was hardly any need for it. I forgot about how much I love it though. I don't know why anyone would ever drink coffee or tea over Diet Coke. I mean, yeah, there's the whole more caffeine thing, but what you gain in energy you lose in taste. Times a million. Moral of the story: Diet Coke = awesome.

So the reason I'm drinking so much of the stuff is because I'm smack in the middle of my 2 hell weeks, aka 5 papers due over the course of last week and this week. Last week I had two to turn in on Friday, and this week I have one due Tuesday, one due Wednesday, and one due Thursday. Right now it's Monday night and I shouldn't even be taking the time to write in here but I need a break.

I'm not really sure how I survived last spring on so little sleep. Pretty much every day I would go to bed between the hours of 2 and 4 and wake up between 7 and 9 and somehow managed to be coherent and alive most of the time at school? Then I come here and have one 5-hour night's sleep and I'm exhausted. I guess it all depends on what you're used to.

Thursday night and the weekend are definitely my lights at the end of the tunnel right now. By Thursday at 4 pm, I will have handed in all class assignments until finals in November. Then that night is a double birthday party/Halloween party, followed by a weekend at Rottnest Island. Cannot. Wait.

In theory, here's what I should be an expert on by the time Thursday rolls around:
-The effect of colonisation on the success of the Nattukottai Chettiar Indian caste in Burma (Business in Asia paper)
-The macroeconomics of the Great Depression (Macroecon paper...shocker)
-The effect of colonisation on the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka (Asia Culture paper)
-The Christology and soteriology of the Book of Hebrews (Christology paper)
-The effect of the Anzac legend on Australian national identity (Australian history paper)

In more exciting news, I got to see Katie and Kenzie for the first time in a while this weekend! They came to Freo on Saturday and we got to catch up with each other and go to the beach. AND they baked cookies. It was really awesome to see them and I think we're going to be going up to Perth next week so we'll get to hang out more over the next couple of weeks :)

I guess that's it for now; I've probably procrastinated long enough. The Book of Hebrews calls...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been checking yours, Michelle's, Cat's, and Ange's blogs repeatedly the past few days as study breaks :) Although since everyone else is on Fall Break, the blogs have been silent :( And I knew you had a lot to do this week, so I wasn't sure when you would update it...but you did!!! Yay :) This has officially made my morning! I'm working on a Hyrdology assignment (due tomorrow) that I don't really know how to do...and then I have a Calc test tomorrow and two group meetings for various end of the semester projects...I feel so overwhelmed. I'm jealous that you're done with everything on Thursday. It's been so hard to motivate myself this week. But I'm making it through. My goal: make it to Thurdsay. I've already done my math assignments for Friday, so I fully intend on hitting up the beach after my 8 am class, as long as the weather's good. I figure I need at least one day off this weekend. Also, I'm going to try and get almost all my work for next week done this weekend, so I will have ample time to spend with you when you come down to Perth next week :) I'm so excited!!! Ok...well, I guess it's time I returned to Hydrology :( But good luck with all of your work!!! And if I don't talk to you before Thursday, have a blast at Rottnest!!!